I wanted to do a Thanksgiving post earlier but we were out of town for Thanksgiving and I have since come down with
Mastitis. This is something I would not wish upon anyone. The good news is that I am not contagious and don't have to worry about staying away from Ben. I wanted to do a David Lettermen-style
"Top 10" things to be thankful for.10.
A roof over our head. Yes, it isn't a roof that we own but I am thankful that everynight we have a warm, dry place to sleep.
Ryan's job. In these times I am so grateful to have a steady income. Even if we wish it was higher, so many people are without. This is not lost on us.
Our health insurance. When I get the bills in the mail and see what your insurance is paying versus us, I am thankful. With Ben's CF, we could quickly spend hundreds of dollars a month on medical bills. Luckily we don't.
Our CF families/friends. I don't know what I would do without the internet. I have connected with so many other CF moms that have become a huge support to me. Even though I have never met these women, I feel closer to them then ever before.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. For every dollar that is donated, 90 cents goes directly towards finding a cure. They want a cure as badly as we do. If you have a chance, visit their site
Our CF team. The team at UCSF consists of people who generally care about Ben and his health. They want to see Ben grow to be an old man. They have the attitude Ryan and I need. We are thankful for all their work and advancement in finding a cure for CF.
Our friends in Sacramento. We are so glad to be back where we belong. Our friends are there for us when we need a babysitter or just to get out of the house. I can't wait to see the team we build for Great Strides 2010. We have so much support.
Our families. We are so lucky to have supportive families that will help us through any troubled times. It's amazing how many people love Ben and would do anything for him. We are so thankful to have you in our lives.
Benjamin. A little man that has brought us more joy then we could ever have imagined. He is our whole world. We are thankful for his health and how well he is doing. We won't stop until there is a cure. It's all for him.
My husband. My soulmate and great love. He works hard for his family and always wants to do more. He would give Ben and I the world if he could. I can't wait to grow old with him. I love you, Ryan.