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Saturday, February 5, 2011


Ben’s cough has gotten worse today. It has slowly turned wet throughout the day.

We started Cipro yesterday but Ben HATES  it and I don’t blame him. It’s like watered down chalk, not a good texture. It took both Ryan and myself to get it in him this morning and a few seconds after, he threw up. So, we are stopping the Cipro and have started Bactrim.

Luckily, our NP gave me her cell number and I got in touch with her this afternoon. We’ll be seen Monday morning to make sure nothing worse is going on.

I just want to start Tobi and get the Little Man better.

So, blah is how I feel today. While I only got one decent dose of Cipro in Ben, it’s already done a number on his tummy so we’ve had to change at least 6 diapers already today.

The good news is that his energy and appetite are good so the smile on his face always brings a smile to mine.



  1. OMG I LOVE that little smile! Yeah, Azer says Cipro tastes pretty nasty too!

  2. Oh Margaux... poor Ben... Why the delay in starting TOBI?

  3. Love the picture of Ben! I can tell you're feeling pretty bummed, girl. So sorry. Wish we could hang out and I could give you a hug!

  4. Hey hun

    Just finally catching up! How is Ben now? Have you managed to get the Tobi?
    How are you feeling? If you need a good vent, send it my way. Really hope things are picking up for you guys, take care and that picture of Ben is gorgeous!!




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