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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just what the doctor ordered.

A trip away was just what the doctor ordered. Ben’s cough has vastly improved, it’s almost gone. He’s been running around outside, chasing the dogs, playing with his Carmel toys and LOVING the Aquarium.

Usually he runs around pointing out different exhibits, but today, he actually stopped and stared at the tanks. Never mind the fact that it was the Finding Nemo tank (our current favorite movie), he actually took the time to look around, not just blowing past each tank.


We spent two hours at the Aquarium, enjoying all it has to offer.


He had to line up the giant blocks. Like he does with his cars, chairs, and pretty much, anything else he can get his hands on.


Ben was on his best behavior all morning. He even wore the apron that keeps his clothes dry.


We couldn’t have asked for better weather. Or a better day.



  1. Yah!! Looks like a fun time and great news about the cough improving. Always love to hear that!

  2. Fantastic news, so so pleased to hear this! Ben looks so into the aquarium, love the concentration on his face :)

    Hope you are feeling refreshed too margaux?

    Take care xxx

  3. I love that he loves to line things up! So cute :).


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