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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some fresh air

Ryan left us this morning for a 4-day business trip. He usually doesn’t like me saying he’s going to be gone because it leaves Ben and I vulnerable (in the vicious suburb that is Folsom Smile) but since Ben and I are gettin’ outta dodge, I thought it’d be safe to tell you.

Manny and I are headed down to my parents for the weekend. I thought some fresh air and a change of pace would be good for both of us. While traveling with Ben isn’t light, I don’t want CF/medical equipment to stop us from doing activities. Of course, we’ll go to the Aquarium, the park, and visit friends/family. Perhaps some salty air will help clear out Ben’s lungs and nose.

He still has a wet cough and a crusty nose but they seem to be improving. I don’t expect his cough to go away for awhile, Tobi can often make a cough worse before it gets better. He’s been doing fabulous with  his Tobi treatments, something I am VERY thankful for. He is such a stud, who continues to amaze me with all he endures.

I’ll leave you with a picture that best describes his “helpfulness” lately.



  1. Hope you have a great time.

    It definitely will do you both some good. Well done to Ben for being a star with the Tobi :)

    Take care xxx


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