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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Final results

Ben’s final culture results came in and…..

(drum roll please)

No pseudomonas!! Only the “usual respiratory fluids”!!!

We are so elated to hear this! As you can imagine, the hospital stay was not fun so I’m glad we were able beat the pseudo (at least for now).

We scheduled Ben’s Pulmonary Function Test (PFT’s) for October 4th. He will also participate in some research UCSF is conducting (more later). I am excited to get some numbers on Ben’s lung function. Please keep that in your prayers too!!

I had a great birthday yesterday. My husband spoiled me and I had a great night out with my friends. Thank you to everyone!!


  1. Super super super news!!

    I hope the PFTs go well, Soph is nowhere near attempting them.

    Oh and a very happy birthday for yesterday (possibly day before time difference pending!).


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