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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Water baby

Somebody is feeling better. Somebody is on the mend. Somebody went out and got some vitamin e. Somebody has turned into a complete water baby…

Ben 17 months 113 

Ben 17 months 115

Ryan is gone for a “Man’s weekend” down in So Cal with my dad and brother so I decided to invite my good friend (and Ben’s God mom) up for the weekend.

Megan and I decided that Ben needed some fresh air. He’s feeling and acting a lot better so I knew it was time.  Whenever we take him to the pool, he runs toward it. He doesn’t do rafts or inner tubes and I can hardly hold him back. Sure enough, my little (ha!) 18-month-old is a water champ. Ben will even jump off the side into the water.

Ben 17 months 128 He bobbed around by himself and even managed to give a few kicks.

Ben 17 months 125 Could we have the next Michael Phelps on our hands? Perhaps!

Ben 17 months 119 Ben 17 months 137

Ben 17 months 136Ben 17 months 129Ben 17 months 134~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Are you looking to get a blog makeover? Carla did a great job on mine and if you’re interested head on over to Masto Mama Designs.   She designs blogs to help pay for her and her children’s life-saving Meds.


  1. Hi there! I found your blog through Masto Mama's Designs and think your site is to pretty! I live in California as well and I'm always looking to find other bloggers who live near by! I'm in the Bay Area and have only meet one other blogger who lives in CA!

    Hope you're having a nice weekend and nice to 'meet' you! ;)


I love hearing from you, thank you!

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