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Sunday, February 7, 2010

A better video

I finally have a better video of Ben walking. He has really taken off this last week. He walks almost everywhere but he can’t stand up on his own yet so he launches himself from the coffee table or toys. He’ll walk, fall, then scurry to the nearest object and stand again.

He has developed a nasty little cough, poor guy. He is still sleeping pretty well so we are all thankful for that! I’m going to put in a call to our CF center tomorrow, I’m pretty sure they’ll put him on some other antibiotics. Let the exploding diapers continue…..

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable! Yay for walking! Boo to that cough though. I always get so worried when my Rylee gets a cough. Luckily we don't have the problem with exploding diapers when our CF clinic puts her on antibiotics. She has a pretty strong tummy! Hope the cough gets better. Have a great week!


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