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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meeting Mr. C

We took Ben to meet Santa yesterday at our local mall. He did well with the Easter Bunny this year, waving at him and jumping in line, so I kind of expected the same thing.

However, our little man turned shy. He run up to him then away! We got him to sit on Santa’s lap but he wasn’t very comfortable.

xmas 2010

Can you see him grabbing his shirt? He was so nervous, ha!

Tomorrow we head to Pleasanton for our clinic visit. This will be our first full visit at the new clinic so I have a TON of questions for our new Pulm. Keep Ben in your prayers for a clear culture!


  1. Cute! Soph isn't overly keen on MR C either.

    Lots of luck and positive vibes for tomorrow ans mostly for that clear culture. Let us know how you get on, hope it all goes well and you get all the answers you want :)

    Take care xxx

  2. I hope the appointment in Pleasanton goes wells. Keeping you guys in our prayers!

  3. Cute pictures eventhough he was nervous! Good luck tomorrow at clinic...and good thoughts for clean culture results! keep us all posted!


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